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Persecuting Circumcision

Samson, Saul, Jonathan, and David insult Philistines for being uncircumcised. Antiochus IV prohibited circumcision, while, Mattathias, and later John Hyrcanus, forced others to circumcise. In Roman times too, Emperor Hadrian forbade circumcision and Bar Kochba circumcised Jews by force. Was circumcision a reason for the revolt?


Alexandria Frisch



Why Didn’t the Israelites Circumcise in the Wilderness?

Joshua circumcises the Israelites only upon their entry to the land.

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



Mother and Child: Postpartum Defilement and Circumcision


Tzvi Novick



Circumcision as Purification

Is the purification ritual or spiritual?


David Bernat



Circumcision: Is the Foreskin a Defect?

Circumcision seemingly maims the body, yet ancient Jewish and rabbinic interpretation present it as actually perfecting the body.


David Bernat



Joshua Circumcises Israel in Response to Egypt’s Scorn

Before circumcision was a mitzvah, it was a cultural marker: Thus Joshua introduces circumcision to Israel at Gilgal (Joshua 5:2-9), Jacob’s sons insist that the Shechemites circumcise before Shechem marries their sister (Genesis 34), and the Israelites scorn the Philistines for being uncircumcised (Judges 14:3).

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



A Murderous Bridegroom


Serge Frolov



Abraham as the Great (Un)Circumciser

A Surprising Midrashic Portrait of Abraham


Malka Z. Simkovich



Baby Naming: Biblical Rites and Mother’s Rights

Who gets to name the child? Priestly and non-Priestly texts give two different answers.

Dr. Hacham

Isaac S. D. Sassoon



Is Elijah Pinchas?

Elijah the prophet is immortal, and Pinchas appears in a story long after the wilderness period. Both figures are described as zealots, leading to their identification as the same person by Pseudo-Philo (ca. 1st cent. C.E.) and later midrash. In a heated exchange preserved in a 13th-century fragment from the Cairo Genizah, two cantors and a congregant debate the rationality of this identification.


Moshe Lavee



Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better – Joshua as Moses

...but who inspired whom?


Carl S. Ehrlich



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