Michael Graves
Wheaton College

Prof. Michael Graves serves as Professor of Old Testament and Carl and Hudson T. Armerding Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College, Illinois. He holds a Ph.D. from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, and is the author of Jerome, Epistle 106 (On the Psalms): Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (SBL Press, 2022), How Scripture Interprets Scripture: What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us about Reading the Bible (Baker Academic, 2021), Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church (Fortress Press, 2017), and Jerome’s Hebrew Philology (Brill, 2007). His particular areas of interest are Jerome and the Latin Bible, and also the intertwined history of how Christians, Jews, and Muslims have engaged the biblical tradition.

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Last Updated

March 20, 2025

Books by the Author