Michael Tuval

Dr. Michael Tuval is an independent scholar and a tour guide. He holds a Ph.D in ancient Jewish history from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Tuval was a postdoctoral scholar at the Hebrew U in 2011-12, a visiting scholar at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in 2012-13, and a visiting research fellow at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich (Germany) in 2013-15. He is the author of From Jerusalem Priest to Roman Jew: On Josephus and the Paradigms of Ancient Judaism (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2013), a co-editor of a new Russian translation and commentary The Four Books of Maccabees (Jerusalem–Moscow: Gesharim, 2014), the editor, coauthor and translator of Herod: Ancient Authors on the King of Judea (Jerusalem: MG Library, 2022) (in Russian), and the author of Synagogue of Giants: How Magicians, Pharisees, and Proselytes Changed the World (Jerusalem: Wheels University, 2022) (in Russian). He is currently completing the first volume of a book on Jesus and his movement in the context of first–century Judaism (in Russian).

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Last Updated

August 12, 2024

Books by the Author