To consecrate a sacred space, the inclusion of a critical object is reserved for last. In the case of the Tabernacle—which we construct in meditatio, through the recitation of the biblical text—it is the gold altar for burning incense. Its proper use keeps the high priest alive on Yom Kippur, while its misuse leads to the death of Nadab and Abihu.
Amy Cooper Robertson
Why are the instructions for the incense altar given only after those for the tabernacle and its other furnishings? The answer highlights the altar’s distinctive roles in relation to the tabernacle.
Devora Steinmetz
Immediately after the death of two of Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, YHWH warns Moses that priests are prohibited from consuming wine before serving in the Tabernacle. Is their mysterious death the result of some form of intoxication?
Sheila Tuller Keiter