Study the Torah with Academic Scholarship

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Louis Jacobs

The Ilui Who Couldn’t Reject Biblical Criticism: Louis Jacobs

He was British Jewry’s outstanding homegrown rabbinic scholar, a protégé of Rabbi Eliyahu Munk, and described as an ilui (genius in Torah study) by R. Eliyahu Dessler. Yet R. Louis Jacobs’ desire to reconcile Judaism with academic studies led to his exclusion from Britain's orthodox rabbinate.


Harry Freedman



Louis Jacobs: We Have Reason to Believe

Rabbi Dr. Louis Jacobs, voted “the greatest British Jew,” is best-known for his 1957 book that denied traditional notions of Torah min HaShamayim, the divine origin of the Torah. The resulting controversy still reverberates today.


Marc Zvi Brettler



Edward Breuer


Current Approaches to Revelation and Torah

Staff Editors



In What Sense Did Orthodoxy Believe the Torah to be Divine?

Decades before Facebook, blogs, and the Internet, at a time Orthodoxy was trying to distinguish itself from the Conservative movement, ten Orthodox thinkers responded to the question of what the divine revelation of the Torah meant in Orthodox Judaism. Did they meet the challenge of Biblical Criticism?

Dr. Rabbi

Lawrence Grossman



Torah Min HaShamayim: Conflicts Between Religious Belief and Scientific Thinking


Daniel Jackson



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