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Potiphar’s Wife

Egyptian Women, Captivated by Joseph’s Beauty, Cut Their Hands Slicing Citrons

Potiphar’s wife sets up her friends to learn about Joseph’s beauty for themselves, the hard way, in a story that appears in both rabbinic midrash and the Quran. Sefer HaYashar, a 16th century midrashic work, dramatizes this story in a way sympathetic to her character, even giving her the name Zuleikha, borrowed from Islamic sources.

Dr. Rabbi

Edwin C. Goldberg



Potiphar and His Wife Desire Joseph

“Now Joseph was well-built and handsome”—Genesis 39:7

Prof. Rabbi

Rachel Adelman



Who Was “Shelah Son of Judah” and What Happened to Him?

The history and geography of the Judahite clan of Shelah as portrayed in the Bible and in the extra-biblical Sources.


Aaron Demsky



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