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But Queen Vashti Refused: Consent and Agency in the Book of Esther

Personal agency and consent—granted or withheld—pervade the book of Esther, and are inextricably related to pre-existing power structures such as gender and social status.


Jason Gaines



The Women in Esther

Prof. Rabbi

Michael V. Fox



Ahasuerus and Vashti: The Story Megillat Esther Does Not Tell You

Why the rabbis came to imagine Ahasuerus as a usurper who halted the rebuilding of the Temple and his wife Vashti as a wicked and grotesque Babylonian princess, who lived as a libertine and persecuted Jews.


Malka Z. Simkovich


Dr. Rabbi

Zev Farber



David D. Steinberg

If Achashverosh Is Xerxes, Is Esther His Wife Amestris?

How do the names in the book of Esther correlate with those we know from Persian history? Do some of them refer to the historical personages described in the Greek sources of Herodotus and Ctesias?

Mitchell First



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