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The Gold Incense Altar: Activating the Tabernacle in Meditatio

To consecrate a sacred space, the inclusion of a critical object is reserved for last. In the case of the Tabernacle—which we construct in meditatio, through the recitation of the biblical text—it is the gold altar for burning incense. Its proper use keeps the high priest alive on Yom Kippur, while its misuse leads to the death of Nadab and Abihu.


Amy Cooper Robertson



The Gold Incense Altar’s Two Functions

Why are the instructions for the incense altar given only after those for the tabernacle and its other furnishings? The answer highlights the altar’s distinctive roles in relation to the tabernacle.


Devora Steinmetz



Deuteronomy Revamps King Hezekiah’s Failed Reform

Hezekiah’s centralizing worship in Jerusalem, one altar for one God, failed in part because it created a spiritual vacuum for the average Judahite villager living far from the capital. Less than a century later, Deuteronomy revives the law, adding new provisions—a stipend for unemployed Levites, permission to slaughter animals outside the sacred precinct, and a requirement to make pilgrimage to the holy site three times a year—to address the law’s challenges.


Mordechai Cogan



Who Wrote the Story of Noah, and When?

Clue: Seven pairs of kosher animals are brought to the ark so that Noah can sacrifice to YHWH after the flood.


Lisbeth S. Fried



Hezekiah’s Reform: The Archeological Evidence

2 Kings 18:4 describes Hezekiah as having abolished the bamot, worship sites outside Jerusalem. Archaeologists have discovered decommissioned temples and altars from this period in Lachish, Beersheba, and Arad. What do these findings really tell us?


Sabine Kleiman



Fire Pans in the Bible and Archaeology

Fire pans (maḥtot) are listed as part of the Tabernacle’s accessories for the menorah and the altar. They also play an important role in the stories of Korah’s rebellion and the death of Nadav and Avihu as incense censors. Archaeological excavations have uncovered what these items were and how they functioned.


Raz Kletter



Aaron’s Flowering Staff: A Priestly Asherah?

The story of Aaron’s staff reads like an etiological tale, explaining a holy object in the Temple. The description of the object as a stylized tree suggests a connection with the asherah, a ritual object forbidden by Deuteronomy.


Raanan Eichler



Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal: Israel’s Holy Site Before Shiloh

An enormous ancient altar from the early twelfth-century B.C.E., uncovered at the site of El-Burnat, sheds light on the biblical account of Joshua’s altar at Mt. Ebal as well as on the famous story of Jacob crossing his arms to bless Ephraim over Manasseh with the birthright.

Zvi Koenigsberg



The Bronze Plating of the Altar: Numbers Versus Exodus

After Korah’s failed rebellion, God commands Elazar to plate the altar with the bronze firepans of the two hundred and fifty tribal leaders (Num 17). But didn’t Bezalel already plate the altar in bronze as God commanded when it was first built (Exod 27 and 38)?

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



The Zer

What exactly is the זֵר (zer), mentioned ten times in the furnishing of the tabernacle? A test case for the importance of archaeology in understanding Torah.


Raanan Eichler



Why the Fire-Pans Were Used to Plate the Altar

After the two hundred and fifty tribal leaders, led by Korah, were burnt, God tells Elazar to use the fire-pans to plate the altar to remind Israel that only priests may offer incense (Num 17:5). But is this the original reason for the plating? A redaction-critical analysis shows that the story once had a different purpose in mind.

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



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