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Is Illness a Divine Punishment?

“I YHWH am your healer”—Exodus 15:26


Rosanne Liebermann



YHWH Speaks to Moses Face to Face—But Does Moses Get to Know YHWH?

YHWH also reveals to Moses His goodness, glory, and name, but are knowing these the same as knowing YHWH?


​Francis Landy



Did YHWH Speak to Moses Face to Face?

But doesn’t YHWH tell Moses that “no human can see me and live”(Exodus 33:20)?


Kenneth Seeskin



Gilgal: YHWH’s Footprints in the Land of Israel

This is the place of My throne and the place for the soles of My feet... Ezekiel 43:7

Zvi Koenigsberg



When Did the Bible Become Monotheistic?

It is often said that monotheism is one of Judaism’s greatest contributions to Western culture; however, it is far from clear that the Hebrew Bible is monotheistic. What is monotheism and when did it first develop?


Kenneth Seeskin



God’s Flaming Fiery Anger


Deena Grant



Loving God Beyond the Way You Love Ashurbanipal

Israel had a vassal treaty with Assyria which commanded them to love King Ashurbanipal, a “love" that brought with it legal requirements and penalty clause. Deuteronomy's command that Israel “love God” is best understood in this context, but what about God's love for Israel?


Deena Grant



Torah Narratives with Angels Never Actually Happened: Heretical or Sublime?

Maimonides believes that any story in the Bible with angels is a prophetic vision. Nahmanides calls this position “forbidden to believe” and claims they are real occurrences. Must the Torah be historically true or just philosophically?

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



God’s Appearance to Abraham: Vision or Visit?

YHWH’s appearance to Abraham (Gen 18:1) is interpreted by the midrashic tradition as a vision separate from the arrival of the three guests. However, the plain meaning of the text, which suggests that YHWH is one of the three guests, is supported by an ancient rabbinic “correction” to the text.


Ben-Zion Katz M.D.



Did God Bless Shabbat?

“And the Lord Blessed the Seventh Day and Consecrated It” (Genesis 2:3). Can time be blessed?

Prof. Rabbi

David Frankel



Comparing Curses

Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 are often lumped together, as the two great curses, but their careful comparison reveals some fundamental and surprising differences.


Marc Zvi Brettler



The Garments of the High Priest: Anthropomorphism in the Worship of God


Baruch J. Schwartz



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