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How the Concept of Mosaic Authorship Developed

In the Persian period, the Torah, which is made up of various law collections, was ascribed to Moses as revealed by YHWH. A parallel development was taking place in Achaemenid Persia that sheds light on this process: The sacred texts called the Avesta, that contain the law​​ (dāta) and tradition (daēnā) of Zoroastrianism​, were being collectively ascribed to Zarathustra (Zoroaster) as revealed by Ahuramazdā.

Dr. Rabbi

Yishai Kiel



Why the Midrash Has Abraham Thrown into Nimrod’s Furnace

The historical association of Abraham and Nimrod with Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism

Dr. Rabbi

Yishai Kiel



The Purification of a Niddah: When Silence Matters

Immersing in the Priestly Text: In support of Dr. Rabbi Zev Farber's contention in “The Purification of a Niddah: The Torah Requirement” that the Torah does not require women to immerse after niddah in order to become pure.

Dr. Hacham

Isaac S. D. Sassoon



Does the Torah Prohibit Male Masturbation?

Onan son of Judah “would let [his seed] go to waste on the ground, so as not to provide offspring for his brother. This was wicked in the eyes of YHWH, who killed him” (Genesis 38:9–10). What was Onan’s sin?


Michael L. Satlow



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