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SawYouAtHoreb: Dating and Matchmaking





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SawYouAtHoreb: Dating and Matchmaking








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SawYouAtHoreb: Dating and Matchmaking

TheTorah.com launches its new premier dating service.


SawYouAtHoreb: Dating and Matchmaking

Has this happened to you?

“Not again! I was suggested a perfect shidduch. She’s from an ehrliche family with impeccable yichus, looking for a guy who’s in learning. Sounds perfect! But on our first date, she asked me what I was learning.[1] I started telling her about some textual variants I found in the Samaritan Pentateuch, and all of the sudden she stood up and said she had to get up early the next day!” —Shloime, Far Rockaway
“I got what looked like a very promising shidduch resumé of a guy learning in Passaic. But when I asked the shadchan if he held by the documentary or the supplementary hypothesis, she just gave me a blank stare.” —Raizy, Lakewood

Presenting SawYouAtHoreb.com

Are you in the parsha of shidduchim but are tired of getting set up with people who aren’t holding in biblical criticism? Are you looking for a partner with whom to build a committed Jewish home that is steeped in a critical approach?

Look no further than the new dating site, SawYouAtHoreb.

As an alternative to the frum dating site SawYouAtSinai, SawYouAtHoreb is dedicated specially to Orthodox Jewish singles who are committed to a life of Torah and Biblical Scholarship. Post your profile along with your Jewish academic interests, and we will help you find the perfect match through personalized attention from our expert Ph.D matchmakers.

Member Profiles

At SawYouAtHoreb, you will find profiles from eligible singles like these:

Shaindy 24, from Brooklyn – “I work as an occupational therapist, enjoy gemilas chesed, long walks in Prospect Park, and ancient Near Eastern legal theory. Looking for someone who wants to study Akkadian for a few years before finding a career.”
Yanky 25, from Kew Gardens Hills – “I learn in kollel during the day and do my night seder by Queens College, working toward a PhD in Bible. I love reading, basketball, am deeply dedicated to Torah and Yahwism. Looking for an ezer kenegdo with whom to build a strictly Orthoprax bayis ne’eman b’cis-Jordan.

In the words of our academic sages (Sanheretin 24a):

It is as difficult to make a zivug as turning the coastline into dry land, according to J.[2]

Sign up with us today, and we will help you find your “Doublet”!


February 26, 2018


Last Updated

March 18, 2025

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