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Israel, Conquest & Settlement

Rahab, the Broad, Symbolizes Israel’s Conquest of Canaan

The only named character in the story of the spies whom Joshua sends to Jericho holds the key to the story’s message.


Leonard Greenspoon



Israel’s Incomplete Conquest of Canaan

Biblical authors struggled to explain why Canaanites remained on the land after Israel settled it. Exodus (23:29–30) and Deuteronomy (7:22) suggest that Israel needed time to settle the land. The opening of Joshua reimagines the past to include an Israelite Blitzkrieg that removed the inhabitants entirely. Other approaches see the remaining Canaanites as a punishment (Judges 2) or a test of Israel's resolve (Joshua 23).


Mordechai Cogan



Joshua’s Conquest: A Cultural and Pedagogical Dilemma in Modern Israel

Ben-Gurion saw the IDF as a modern instantiation of Joshua’s military might. The Israeli writer and politician S. Yizhar, in contrast, asserted that we should discard Joshua because of the violence and wholesale slaughter recounted in the book. Contemporary Israeli teachers grapple with the question of how to teach students such a core story of Jewish history that is fraught with moral problems.


Gili Kugler



Israel Enters the Land in Worship or War?

The Book of Joshua describes Israel waging a military campaign against Jericho and other southern cities. The Song of the Sea (Exodus 15), on the other hand, depicts Israel crossing the Jordan, and YHWH bringing them directly to a temple.

Zvi Koenigsberg



The Northern Tribal Tradition of Settling the Land

Dr. Rabbi

Tzemah Yoreh



Jacob the Conqueror of Shechem

Dr. Rabbi

Zev Farber



Who Was Living in the Land When Abraham Arrived?


Yigal Levin



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