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Nehama Leibowitz

Moses’ Name Is Erased from Tetzaveh

Moses issues an ultimatum to God: “If you don’t forgive Israel, erase me from Your book” (Exodus 32:32). God forgives Israel but erases Moses from the Torah portion of Tetzaveh anyway because the curse of a Torah scholar always comes true. Here is the story of how this medieval midrash came about, and how it developed into the modern myth that Tetzaveh is the only portion after Moses’ birth that is missing his name.

Shamai Leibowitz



A Wife for Isaac: From Abraham’s Hometown or Family?

Abraham’s servant says that his master told him to take a wife for Isaac from his family, but Abraham said no such thing. Why does the servant say this and why did medieval pashtanim ignore this blatant discrepancy?

Prof. Rabbi

Marty Lockshin



Why Now? Toward a Sociology of Knowledge Analysis of

An analysis of why the approach taken by has found such a large audience among the Orthodox at this time.


Chaim I. Waxman



Why Isn’t Sukkot in the Spring?

We sit in the sukkah to remind us that “I (God) made the Israelites live in sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 23:43). Accordingly, why isn’t Sukkot celebrated in the month of Nissan, when we left Egypt?

Prof. Rabbi

Marty Lockshin



The Peshat Verus Halakha Dilemma: Shadal and Tradition

When Torah verses appear to contradict Jewish law.

Prof. Rabbi

Marty Lockshin



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