Dr. John W. Herbst is the Scholar-in-Residence for the Virginia Peninsula Baptist Association, for which he writes a blog about Bible and theology. He holds a Ph.D. in Bible from Union Presbyterian Seminary, an M.Div. from Southern Baptist theological Seminary, and is an ordained Baptist minister. Herbst is the author of Development of an Icon: Solomon Before and After King David (Pickwick, 2016).
Last Updated
February 25, 2025
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After Cain is exiled for killing Abel, he founds the first עִיר (ʿir), usually translated as “city.” But the biblical depictions of Shechem and Sodom, and the archaeology of ancient Israel, show that the average ʿir was a “village” or “town” at most.
After Cain is exiled for killing Abel, he founds the first עִיר (ʿir), usually translated as “city.” But the biblical depictions of Shechem and Sodom, and the archaeology of ancient Israel, show that the average ʿir was a “village” or “town” at most.