On Seder night, we recite from Mishnah Pesachim (10:5):
בכל דור ודור חייב אדם לראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצרים.
In every generation, all [Jews] must view themselves as if they had left Egypt.
The story of the enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt and their miraculous exodus brings the readers of the Bible into the world of the ancient Egyptians. The Bible touches on many different aspects of Egyptian culture, including, enslaving of foreigners, the power of Pharaoh, the use of magic, etc., however, few actual details are given to help us envision what Egypt was like, and all the details that are given come from an outsider’s perspective.
To fill in the story and get a better picture of this culture, we invited a broad range of ancient Near East scholars with first-hand familiarity with Egyptian texts and culture to introduce ancient Egypt on its own terms.
As Maimonides states (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Chametz and Matzah 7:1):
אפילו חכמים גדולים חייבים לספר ביציאת מצרים וכל המאריך בדברים שאירעו ושהיו הרי זה משובח.
Even great scholars are required to speak about the exodus from Egypt, and those who expand their discussion of what happened and what was are praiseworthy.
Banner iImage: Barcelona Haggadah c. 1340
Egypt: History and Place Names
Ancient Egypt: An Overview of Its History
Egypt: History and Place Names
What We Know about the Egyptian Places Mentioned in Exodus
Pharaoh and the Bible
The Title “Pharaoh”
Pharaoh and the Bible
The Pharaoh of the Exodus – Rameses III
Pharaoh and the Bible
Pharaoh’s Mudbrick Palace
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
Pharaoh’s Divine Role in Maintaining Ma’at (Order)
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
Why Pharaoh Went to the Nile in the Morning
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
Ḥeka: Understanding Egyptian Magic on Its Own Terms
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
The Egyptian “Magicians”
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
The Magicians Khamwaset and Meryra
Egyptian Theology and Ideology
Sacrificing a Lamb in Egypt
Slavery and Everyday Life
Ancient Egypt Population Estimates: Slaves and Citizens
Slavery and Everyday Life
What Kind of Construction Did the Israelites Do in Egypt?
Slavery and Everyday Life
Ancient Egyptian Clothing: Real and Ideal
Egyptians and Others
Egypt’s Attitude Towards Foreigners
Egyptians and Others
Levantines in 15th and 14th Century Egyptian Art
“Do Not Hate the Egyptian”
The Blackening of Egypt’s Reputation