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Torah with Academic Biblical Scholarship:

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Dr. David Glatt-Gilad
Text LinkText Link

Bereshit 1:1-6:8

Noach 6:9-11:32‍

Lech Lecha 12:1-17:27‍

Vayera 18:1-22:24‍

Chayei Sarah 23:1-25:18‍

Toledot 25:19-28:9‍

Vayetzei 28:10-32:3‍

Vayishlach 32:4-36:43

Vayeshev 37:1-40:23

Miketz 41:1-44:17

Vayigash 44:18-47:27

Vayechi 47:28-50:26

Shemot 1:1-6:1

Va’era 6:2-9:35

Bo 10:1-13:16

Beshalach 13:17-17:16

Yitro 18:1-20:23

Mishpatim 21:1-24:18

Terumah 25:1-27:19

Tetzaveh 27:20-30:10

Ki Tisa 30:11-34:35

Vayakhel 35:1-38:20

Pekudei 38:21-40:38

Vayikra 1:1-5:26

Tzav 6:1-8:36

Shemini 9:1-11:47

Tazria 12:1-13:59

Metzora 14:1–15:33

Acharei Mot  16:1-18:30

Kedoshim 19:1-20:27

Emor 21:1-24:23

Behar 25:1–26:2

Bechukotai 26:3–27:34

Bamidbar 1:1-4:20

Nasso 4:21-7:89

Beha’alotcha 8:1-12:16

Shelach 13:1-15:41

Korach 16:1-18:32

Chukat 19:1–22:1

Balak 22:2-25:9

Pinchas 25:10-30:1

Matot 30:2-32:42

Masei 33:1-36:13

Devarim 1:1-3:22

Va’etchanan 3:23-7:11

Eikev 7:12-11:25

Re’eh 11:26-16:17

Shoftim 16:18-21:9

Ki Teitzei 21:10-25:19

Ki Tavo 26:1-29:8

Nitzavim 29:9-30:20

Vayeilech 31:1-31:30

Ha’azinu 32:1-32:52

Vezot HaBerachah 33:1-34:12

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